Jefferson has been the Founder of Tom Limited since 1997 as Director to develop and provide certain kind of professional services. He had almost a 10-years experience for the International Organization to a management level. Besides, He has various experiences including company secretarial, tax, accounting & auditing, property agent, business centre management, visa & immigration. He also acts as facilitator for pre-IPO advisory and business development projects.
Jefferson自1997年以來已是TOM LIMITED同行有限公司的創始人,擔任董事開發和提供專業服務。他在國際組織擁有近十年的管理經驗。此外、他還擁有多項經驗包括公可秘書、稅務、會計、審計、房地產代理,商務中心管理,移民簽證等。他還擔任IPO前咨詢和商業項目發展的協調人。